
Problem Before Ideation - Remarkable Venture Inventing STEP 1

Written by Craig Whitcomb

  • Posted 2 years ago

Inventors instinctively search for innovative and unique angles of ideation.  They often look at products or methods and try to improve them or combine features of different products to create new ones.  This method overlooks the most important part of inventing.  Identifying the problem is the critical first step to inventing efficiently and purposefully.  Start with a meaningful problem, understand solutions that are already available and then you are ready to start inventing.


One of my favorite inventions was a type of hook and loop fastener.  I came up with the idea while searching for inspiration.  It did not solve a problem for me, but I felt like it was a significate ideation that could become widely popular.  The design appeared to be unique from anything on the market.  I started searching for a problem that was not already solved to match my solution. Finding nothing, I expanded my search for any related problems trying to make my ideation fit in places where it didn’t fit.  After weeks of frustration, I realized that I was inventing backwards.  I should have started with a meaningful problem and then searched for inspiration to solve it.

Identify the Problem Before Ideation

Until a meaningful problem is clearly defined, and a market becomes apparent, companies are less likely to want the solution.  I know now that starting with a problem would have saved time and given me better positioning for success.  This is how I realized that step 1 for Remarkable Venture inventing should be to identify the problem.

Understand the Available Solutions

Once you identify the problem, understand the solutions that are already available so that you don’t waste time replicating solutions.  A thorough understanding of available solutions before you start inventing will prepare you for the best solution.

If you find that the problem you have identified is not meaningful enough or the available solutions are adequate, you can easily look for a new problem to solve at this point without wasting unnecessary time and expense.

Start Inventing

Once you identify the problem and understand the available solutions, you will be fully prepared to begin ideation and move to step 2 of Remarkable Venture Inventing which is creating your solution concept.

Companies Also Start with Identifying the Problem

A problem is also the optimal starting point for innovation seeking companies.  This is one reason Remarkable Venture starts each listing by defining the problem.  Companies can quickly determine if their customers suffer from the problem found in a Remarkable Venture listing, saving everyone time and effort. Companies search the categories they serve, and quickly relate to the problem in a listing prior to inquiring.  This method assures that inquiring companies are more likely to be eager to hear your solution and license or partner with you!

Knowing that companies begin their search for innovation by identifying customer problems gives insight to Inventors that they should also identify the problem before seeking an innovative solution. Start your Remarkable Venture Inventing experience with Step 1, Identify the problem.  Make this the foundation of your ideation and improve your potential for success.


  • Inventors instinctively search for inspiration by trying to improve on other products or processes.
  • Instead, identify the problem, then create innovative solutions.
  • This same principle applies to innovative seeking companies.
  • Start with the problem before ideation and improve your potential for success.


To continue the Remarkable Venture Inventing series, read: Inventions Don’t Always Solve Problems – Do This 1st




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