Recognizing the significance of time to market often gets overlooked by both inventors and companies, yet time stands out as your most precious resource. It’s the one thing you can’t reclaim once it’s gone. Gaining efficiency ensures that inventors and companies move forward together towards success. The competitive edge of reaching the market swiftly benefits both parties and enhances the value of the product or service. Consequently, the time invested during the invention process (for inventors) and the time spent on innovation (for companies) should be a crucial factor in licensing and developing new products.
The journey of idea development is filled with energy and excitement for inventors. However, progress often encounters a slowdown, and that initial excitement can turn into discouragement without a clear inventing process to follow.
To counter this, having a step-by-step plan is crucial to staying on course and maintaining momentum. Clearly defined goals and timelines make it easy to stay optimistic and ensure continued progress in the thrilling process of bringing your idea to life.
When setting goals and timelines it is important to make sure they are achievable.
Remarkable Venture helps guide inventors through a streamlined method of developing and licensing your idea and reducing time to market. Listings are organized to help you make sure you have the steps completed. We offer tips to help you through the process and a community of support to answer questions and offer advise that will optimize your time management and keep you moving forward.
Here are the steps included in the Remarkable Venture inventing process
Upcoming articles will define each step. Use them as guidelines to form strategies, set goals and execute your plan for success.
For innovation seeking companies, time to market is a key performance indicator (KPI) as well. Companies face the challenge of finding innovation in a very manual way. They most often rely on internal resources for all product development and new innovation. Some pursue open innovation ideas by email, telephone, and face to face interaction in previously established networks. In many cases their sources are arbitrary when looking outside of the company.
Many companies don’t recognize the importance of innovation even though it can contribute to a large percentage of growth and revenue. They seldom dedicate enough resources for innovation searching and implementation.
Open minded companies understand the urgency of locating and executing innovative ideas quickly and regularly. These companies spend time building networks that excel in innovation, even though manual networking is time consuming and limiting.
Here is further definition and advice from on the importance of speed to market: What Is Speed to Market and Why Is It Important?
Remarkable Venture provides a streamlined search method in a wide reaching marketplace of ideas to narrow down and locate innovation quickly. Listings naturally become the first line of filtering to make sure you only meet with the most likely inventors. You will be sure to save time and broaden opportunities to meet KPI goals, improving time to market.
Time to market is your most valuable asset for inventors and companies.
Inventors optimize and maintain momentum by using a defined inventing process including steps, goals and timelines.
Companies improve efficiency as well with a streamlined process and idea filtering.
Remarkable Venture can increase speed to market for both inventors and innovation seeking companies.
To continue the Remarkable Venture Inventing series, read: Should You License Your Invention or Create a Business Startup? next.
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