Pain Treatment & Wound Healing Patches
“Natural Pain Treatment and Wound Healing Acceleration”
Mission Statement
Bringing Global Awareness to Nature Healing Power, providing a Safer and Healthier Alternative
Jacky Nguyen
Introduction - Market Opportunity
Overview of the increasing Pain Epidemic in our country.
The Pain Market is 79.7Billion dollars and Continue Growing.
Market Research:
Grandview Research : Pain Devices Market 2.9 Billions 8% Annually
Emergen Research: US Pain Market 79.7 Billions 4.5% Annually
Existing Problem & Solution
Current Pain Treatments:
Pain Killers:
Codeine, Fentanyl, hydrocodone
Demerol, Morphine, Oxycodone
Side Effects:
Cognitive Issues, anxiety, depressant
Opioid tolerance, addiction, lower
immune system
Heart, Liver, Kidney damage and possibly
Alternative Pain Management:
Topical Pain Relief Cream
Massage Therapy, Chiropractic,
Cupping, Surgery
All these are TEMPORARILY short term
relief and are very expensive.
Propose Pain Away and Healing Solution
Pain Away and Healing Solutions:
Permanent Treatment
1-4 days Complete Healing for Most Pain
Permanent Relief, Affordable
Self Care, No Doctor Require
No Side Effect
Wide Range Applications:
Upper, Lower, Back Pain
Neck, shoulder, Arm, Knee, ankle Pain
Tennis Elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis
Psoriasis & Eczema Relief
Insect bite inflammation
One Minute Video ,, Google Review
To bring global awareness of Nature Healing
Power, provide a safer and healthier alternative.
Partnership and Collaboration for mass market
Active Ingredients
Plant Base found in ASIA with various
Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Bacteria,
Vitamins, Minerals
widely used for various ailments including
treating pain
Product Efficacy
Scientific researches and studies available
upon request
NDA Require
Pain Treatment and Wound Healing Patches
Pain Treatment and Wound Healing Patches
Two Paths to Market
Short Path: Pain Relief - No FDA Approval - Low Level Test
Low Investment, Fast to Market
Long Path: Pain Treatment - FDA Approval - Clinical Trial
HIgh Investment, Global Reach in Medical Community
Global Market Potential ( Target Audience )
55 Years Older
Sport Athletes
Soccer, Football, Fighters, Boxer, Runner, Hiker, etc..
Chiropractic, Physical Rehabilitation, Post Surgery…..
Military and Civilian ( Open Wound Healing)
Additional Applications
Open Wound Healing, Psoriasis/Eczema Relief,
Anti-Ich (insect bite), Hemorrhoid, Anti-Aging Facial Cream
Burn Healing etc..
SWOT Analysis
Natural Regenerative Solution
Offers REAL TREATMENT for pain and accelerates wound
Plant-based ingredients, ensuring No Side Effects.
Fast, effective, and affordable.
Easy to use, with no need for a doctor's supervision.
Simple manufacturing process with high return on investment.
Does not require FDA approval
Support with scientific studies.
Multiple applications beyond Pain Treatment.
Potential modification for open wound healing.
Possible use in military defense and civilian applications.
Global demand. (Asia, Middle East, Europe, North America)
Targeting the elderly population (above 55 years old).
Market-specific focus on sports athletes (soccer, football,
boxing, UFC fighters, hikers, runners).
The natural formula could be easily duplicated.
Strong intellectual property protection is needed.
Competitors may easily duplicate the formula.