Fast, Effective Pain Relief & Treatment Through Natural Innovation


  • Trade Secret
  • Patent


  • License

Problem Statement

1.  National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates around 100 million U.S. adults experience chronic pain such as

  • Upper and lower Back
  • Neck and shoulder
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Joint pain
  • Knee and elbow
  • Plantar Fasciitis foot pain

2.  Common treatments are expensive with inhibitive side effects such as pain killer drugs

  • Codine
  • Fentanyl
  • Hodrocodone
  • Demerol
  • Morphine
  • Oxycodone

3.  Pain killers provide temporary symptom relief and don’t always combat the underlying source of pain.  Pain killers can cause

  • Cognitive issues
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Addiction
  • Immune system reduction
  • Organ damage
  • Death

Pain killers require a prescription and close monitoring from a physician with costly, regular appointments.

4.  While natural remedies have less risk of side effects, they are not always effective or powerful enough.

5. Nano pain patches are a more expensive option that offers a level of pain relief but does not combine treatment that will aid in correcting the source of pain for natural, long term healing.

Solution Benefits

Our patent pending solution and application system is simple and effective bringing quick, powerful, lasting pain relief that facilitates healing.  With this natural topical blend, you will have dedicated and lifelong customers that are willing to pay a premium and share with family and friends.   

This is NOT another temporary product that masks pain or creates the sensation of healing. 

Our natural solution generates raving reviews by offering:

  • Pain relief and healing through a complimentary interaction of natural ingredients.
  • A plant based combination of polyphenols, vitamins and minerals creates      anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial characteristics that relieves underlying sources of pain and facilitates rapid natural healing for long lasting results.
  • 1 – 4 days of use for complete and permanent relief of most pain.
  • Affordable results with no prescription.


Once this product is introduced to the market on a large scale, word of mouth from great results will do the rest.


Our goal is to partner with and support a great company who can offer a wide market distribution for this high quality pain relief product.  Our mission is to bring a global awareness of nature’s combined healing ability and provide safe, healthy, powerful solutions that help those in need.

Venture Description

Pain Relief

Pain Relief  & Treatment

This all natural pain relieving treatment and healing solution has been Jacky Nguyen’s family trade secret for many years.  It combines natural, plant based ingredients that interact complimentary to each other, creating a powerful topical solution that administers pain relief at the source and facilitates natural healing for long lasting results.

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